After posting my project I had a number of questions online. I thought this is a good opportunity to update the blog to share more information on this project. GUI concepts I’ve made some more progress on the software side of things, mostly just playing around with the graphics display. The Nokia 3310 LCD screen […]
This is a project I started about a week or so ago and have been working on when I find time after work. It’s a GPS and compass that temporarily uses an Arduino Nano micro-controller, Nokia 3310 screen, EM-406A SiRF III GPS receiver, and a simple (non-tilt compensated) magnetometer for compass heading. It’s obviously in […]
Please note this is an alpha release. Version 0.3.0 is still under development use with caution! 😉 If you find jGauge useful a link back to the home page or my blog is appreciated. See the main project page for more information and downloads. Getting Started Include these files in the head of […]
Recently I’ve been developing a lot of reporting applications in JavaScript and have collected a few helper functions that I use regularly for number formatting. Here’s a look at each function and how you can use it in your own projects. Rounding a number to a defined decimal precision Input: 1234.567 Output: 1234.6 (to one […]
When I began developing PHP I found the biggest stumbling block for me was learning the best practices and many nuances for greater performance, especially when querying a database. I found that I could smash out functional PHP for proof of concept purposes, but when it came to optimising my code for release and I […]
I’ve found debugging my JavaScript projects much easier since using the Firebug add-on for Firefox, but more specifically outputting to the Firebug console. It’s as easy as this: var myVar = 42; console.log(‘my variable: ‘ + myVar); This will output ‘my variable: 42‘ to the Firebug console, just like using System.out.println() in Java. There are […]
On my latest web app I ran into a problem that had me stumped for a while. I was trying to load data via AJAX from a number of files to insert into the web page. I did this by iterating through a number of jQuery .ajax() calls with a for loop. I was getting […]
jGauge is a 100% JavaScript dial gauge I created to be a free, lightweight, and powerful alternative to Flash-based gauges. It can be used on web based dashboards like a speedometer / fuel gauge. Code base Google code (archive): Github (future development): Screenshot Changelog Version 0.4.0 – 20110511 Now hosted on GitHub Version […]
If you’re anything like me when it comes to IE9 you’re viewing Microsoft’s hype with a measure of skepticism. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is both the most popular web browser and the biggest pain in the ass for us web developers. When I first heard that Microsoft were making an effort to support the latest standards […]
When working on my latest project I discovered a feature of jQuery that wasn’t apparent to me in the API. When using the .append() method I noticed it would automatically close HTML elements. After taking a closer look at the jQuery 1.4.2 code, I found that .append() makes use of an internal function called domManip(). […]
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