Here’s a Hagakure wallpaper I made after watching Ghost Dog (excellent movie). I created the kamon symbol in Illustrator and put the wallpaper together in Photoshop. This is the kamon featured on some publications of the Hagakure (a kamon is a Japanese family symbol, like a coat of arms) and on the cover of the […]
Last night was a bit wild. I remember getting home sometime in the early hours and stumbling from the car (wife was driving) to the shower to soak away the drinking. By the time I realised that I was still fully clothed and had my wallet and week old iPhone 4 in my pockets, they […]
When I began in building controls engineering just six years ago, function block diagram programming was already an established engineering tool for may control systems. I began my controls programming with an older technology control system that used mostly point-oriented boolean algebra which was surprising very powerful, but difficult to get an overview of the […]