Update! See my modifications to this pack here. My review of the BlackWolf Titanium 35 day-pack. I compare it to an older generation BlackWolf bag, and a Camelbak Snobound. While the pack is good for it’s price, I do see a few frustration problems! I share my candid thoughts on these issues and my planned […]
About: Darian Cabot
Hardware and software engineer with experience in product development and building automation. Director at Cabot Technologies and Product Manager at NEX Data Management Systems.
Recent Posts by Darian Cabot

After posting my project I had a number of questions online. I thought this is a good opportunity to update the blog to share more information on this project. GUI concepts I’ve made some more progress on the software side of things, mostly just playing around with the graphics display. The Nokia 3310 LCD screen […]

This is a project I started about a week or so ago and have been working on when I find time after work. It’s a GPS and compass that temporarily uses an Arduino Nano micro-controller, Nokia 3310 screen, EM-406A SiRF III GPS receiver, and a simple (non-tilt compensated) magnetometer for compass heading. It’s obviously in […]

My video review of the cheap Aoyue 937+ solder station:

This is my 2 part video tutorial to help with disassembly and tuning a Marlin 336 for a smooth lever action cycle and accuracy (accurizing). This was filmed using a Marlin 336 SS in 30-30 Winchester. Part 1 / 2: Part 2 / 2: Stay safe and happy shooting 🙂
Please note this is an alpha release. Version 0.3.0 is still under development use with caution! 😉 If you find jGauge useful a link back to the home page jgauge.com or my blog dariancabot.com is appreciated. See the main project page for more information and downloads. Getting Started Include these files in the head of […]

Here’s a Hagakure wallpaper I made after watching Ghost Dog (excellent movie). I created the kamon symbol in Illustrator and put the wallpaper together in Photoshop. This is the kamon featured on some publications of the Hagakure (a kamon is a Japanese family symbol, like a coat of arms) and on the cover of the […]

Recently I’ve been developing a lot of reporting applications in JavaScript and have collected a few helper functions that I use regularly for number formatting. Here’s a look at each function and how you can use it in your own projects. Rounding a number to a defined decimal precision Input: 1234.567 Output: 1234.6 (to one […]

Last night was a bit wild. I remember getting home sometime in the early hours and stumbling from the car (wife was driving) to the shower to soak away the drinking. By the time I realised that I was still fully clothed and had my wallet and week old iPhone 4 in my pockets, they […]

When I began developing PHP I found the biggest stumbling block for me was learning the best practices and many nuances for greater performance, especially when querying a database. I found that I could smash out functional PHP for proof of concept purposes, but when it came to optimising my code for release and I […]
Recent Comments by Darian Cabot
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- 2024-08-17 on Protek 608 original Windows software
- 2024-08-17 on Eastron SDM120 power meter Modbus configuration
- 2024-01-17 on Eastron SDM120 power meter Modbus configuration
- 2021-08-24 on DIY 3D printing filament dryer