About: Darian Cabot

Hardware and software engineer with experience in product development and building automation. Director at Cabot Technologies and Product Manager at NEX Data Management Systems.

Recent Posts by Darian Cabot

14 Sep 2010

DoDonPachi: Tactical Guide and Walkthrough

DoDonPachi title

I’ve always been a bit of an arcade game nut.  I remember spending countless dollar coins at the Tilt arcade on Hindley Street in Adelaide years ago playing Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Raiden.  I moved interstate, and sadly Tilt closed it’s doors a while back along with many other arcade parlours.  They now seem […]

10 Nov 2008

Lowboy arcade cabinet modifications

Lowboy arcade cabinet - Joystick height comparison

The lowboy arcade cabinet design, as the name suggests, is a relatively small cabinet that was common in Australia during the 90s. I remember these being more popular in corner stores than video game arcades. They were a cheap and compact alternative to the standard larger cabinets and could easily be converted to play different […]

11 Nov 2007

Slap Fight / Alcon – Arcade game review

Slap Fight / Alcorn arcade game

Here’s my review of the arcade game Slap Fight, also known as Alcon. I know I was promising a platform game next!  I was just too lazy to pull my monitor out and turn it around 😛 I’ll be sure to review a classic platformer soon. 😉 Game details Further information Slap Fight on the […]