Please note this is an alpha release. Version 0.3.0 is still under development use with caution! 😉 If you find jGauge useful a link back to the home page or my blog is appreciated. See the main project page for more information and downloads. Getting Started Include these files in the head of […]

On my latest web app I ran into a problem that had me stumped for a while. I was trying to load data via AJAX from a number of files to insert into the web page. I did this by iterating through a number of jQuery .ajax() calls with a for loop. I was getting […]

jGauge is a 100% JavaScript dial gauge I created to be a free, lightweight, and powerful alternative to Flash-based gauges. It can be used on web based dashboards like a speedometer / fuel gauge. Code base Google code (archive): Github (future development): Screenshot Changelog Version 0.4.0 – 20110511 Now hosted on GitHub Version […]

When working on my latest project I discovered a feature of jQuery that wasn’t apparent to me in the API. When using the .append() method I noticed it would automatically close HTML elements. After taking a closer look at the jQuery 1.4.2 code, I found that .append() makes use of an internal function called domManip(). […]