About: Darian Cabot

Hardware and software engineer with experience in product development and building automation. Director at Cabot Technologies and Product Manager at NEX Data Management Systems.

Recent Posts by Darian Cabot

18 Apr 2016

Sanden PET-07 Power Supply RS-232 Module Reverse Engineering – Part 2

Sanden Title 2

In this video we take another look at the RS-232 plug-in module for the Sanden PET-07 CC/CV power supply. In particular, we see how the voltage output can be controlled and how this clears up some ambiguity with the circuit design. In part three, we will *finally* attempt to communicate using RS-232 to monitor and […]

10 Apr 2016

Sanden PET-07 Power Supply RS-232 Module Reverse Engineering – Part 1

Sanden Title 1

In this video we take a look at the Sanden PET-07 CC/CV power supply. In particular we look at the RS-232 plug-in module and attempt to make sense of the signals between the main board and plug-in board. In part two, we’ll apply this knowledge to attempt to receive RS-232 data from the power supply. […]

24 Feb 2016

Raspberry Pi: Change Java JVM – OpenJDK / Oracle

Source code

When I first began using the Raspberry Pi to run Java applications, Oracle had yet to release a Java virtual machine that utilised ARM hard floats (hardware accelerated floating-point math processing). This meant that the Oracle JVM had to do all of this arithmetic in software causing excessive CPU load and poor performance. It was […]

14 Feb 2016

Raspberry Pi: SSH using public and private keys

Sometimes it’s necessary to leave a publicly accessible SSH connection available on your Raspberry Pi. While a strong password is essential, a much more secure method for authentication is to use a public and private key system. This guide will take you through all of the steps to creating the keys, configuring the Raspberry Pi, […]

10 Feb 2016

Electronics Workbench – Part 4 – Putting it together

Here is the design and build of my compact DIY electronics workbench. This is located in the garage / workshop in a house that I’m renting, so I’m building it to be portable and transportable in future. In this forth episode I complete the hutch shelving, mount some component trays, and more!

9 Feb 2016

Electronics Workbench – Part 3 – Design Review

Here is the design and build of my compact DIY electronics workbench. This is located in the garage / workshop in a house that I’m renting, so I’m building it to be portable and transportable in future. In this third episode I temporarily install the lighting and load the shelving to assess the design so […]

8 Feb 2016

Electronics Workbench – Part 2 – Shelf system modifications

Here is the design and build of my compact DIY electronics workbench. This is located in the garage / workshop in a house that I’m renting, so I’m building it to be compact and transportable in future. In this second episode I modify the hutch shelving system to raise it’s height and mount the peg-board […]

7 Feb 2016

Electronics Workbench – Part 1 – Cabinet modifications and lighting

Here is the design and build of my compact DIY electronics workbench. This is located in the garage / workshop in a house that I’m renting, so I’m building it to be compact and transportable in future. In this first episode I describe how I will convert a cupboard into the workbench and my ideas […]

22 Oct 2015

Protek 608 original Windows software

Protek 608 Windows software v1.02

I’ve finally managed to fire up the original Protek 608 software on an old Dell Inspiron 8100 I found stowed at the office. My previous attempts to run this software failed on Windows 8 and 10, and there’s very little information about how this software looks and operates (it’s quite niche). I decided that it […]